10:55 AM

Assalamualaikum. Holla ~

Mood blogging on ! First entry untuk dikongsikan bersama dengan hampa ialah mengenai Birthday Althea yang ketiga. Wahhh ! So proud of you Althea ! 

Bagi sesiapa yang belum mengetahui atau mengenali Althea, meh MZ cerita naa.. Althea ni ialah laman shopping online, yang product nya origin from Korea. Gittew ! Original tau, no fake product hokey ! Segala macam The Face Shop dan beberapa lagi. Check out by your own for hat hoeky ! Nak dijadikan cerita, Althea pun ada product dia sendiri, yakni Bare Essentials (BE). OMG ! BE tu punyalah best, sampai tak tau nak habaq macam mana punya best. MZ ada review pasal BE kat SINI. Jemputlah singgah...

Back to the story ~~

Bersempena dengan birthday Althea yang ketiga, Althea dengan berbesar hati telah memberikan hadiah kepada semua Althea Angels. Terbalik pulakkan.. but anyway, thank you Althea for the perfect gift ! Jom tengok apa yang Althea Althea Angels dapat naaa..

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

Parcel are all the way from Korea tau ! Nah bukti... 

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop


happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

And here there are..... tote bag yang memang dah lama MZ aim, make up pouch, mirror mirror on the wall by BE dan 2 skin detoxer, Rose dan Green Tea. Both are new and yet to be release to market.

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

MZ paling tak sabar untuk mencuba kedua-dua skin detoxer tu. Dan sebenarnya, saat MZ menaip entri ini, MZ sudah pun mencuba kedua-dua skin detoxer tu. Best tak tau nak habaq.. nanti MZ review pasal baby baru Althea, Rose & Green Tea tu naaa... not in this entry !

By the wway, hari tu masa keluar untuk menonton wayang bersama Mr.H, MZ dah guna tote bag Althea Turns 3 tu... sukaa.. sukaa.. sukaaa.. suka semua pasal tote bag tu, material dia, design dia, size diaa.. semua memenuhi kehendak seperti yang MZ nak...

So, kalau hampa pun nak jugak tote bag comel Althe Turns  tu, pi lah jenguk Althea. nanti parcel bau Korea sampai depan pintu rumah hampa. Bukan setakat depan pintu, siap masuk dalam rumah lagi hokey. Tak dapat oppa, dapat hat ni pun jadi lah kan. :p

happy birthday wish, althea turns 3, althea angels, korean skin kare, korea, shopping online, make up haul, bare essentials, innisfree, etude house, the face shop

Last but not least, 

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Terima kasih atas jejak anda. Sila datang lagi dengan buah tangan ye. ^_^

