
Pangkor.. Here I Come

9:41 PM

hi peeps... nice to have ue here.. I miss ue so much my diary... ada beberapa jam lagi aku & classmate nak berangkat ke Pangkor.. doakan keselamatan kami on the way , kat sana and time nak balik.. nak jalan jauh2, seronok2 tapi aku tak rasa semua tu.. hati tak dak... perasaan enjoy hilang.. I wish I can find it and bring with me together... of what happened, yes I feel regret about it... but nothing gonna change... gurl.. ue have to be strong... there's a quote for ue... “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.” - Mother Teresa 

pretend nothing happened is the best way.. senyum kat luar, hati berdentum2 guruh.. Zafirah kan kuat... nanti aku balik aku crita pasal Pangkoq keh... sapa nak kirim ikan bilis..? sotong kering...? msg na.. muhahaha.. see you soon.. :)
missing love of my life so much ~

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Terima kasih atas jejak anda. Sila datang lagi dengan buah tangan ye. ^_^

