

3:30 PM


EVERYDAY I LOVE YOU LESS AND LESS // Assalamualaikum. Holla ~ Bukan aku tak sayang hampalah. Sikit pun tak bergerak rasa sayang aku kat hampa. Terima kasih na sebab setia singgah kat sini. Hari ni nak share lirik lagu  Everyday I Love You Less And Less.

Haaa. Pernah dengar tak? Kalau tak pernah dengar, klik SINI. Lagu Everyday I Love You Less And Less telah dinyayikan oleh Kaiser Chiefs. Masa dengar kat radio Fly Fm, DJ dia cakap, dulu ex girlfirend dia cakap macam ni lah dekat dia. Kek2. Hampa pun pernah ka ex hampa cakap macam tu ? Hee... Sudah ! Tak payah nak mengimbau kenangan lalu sesangat. Satgi tak cukup tisu nak bagi. 

Everyday I love you less and less
It's clear to see that you've become obsessed
I've got to get this message to the press
That everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
I've got to get this feeling off my chest
The Doctor says all I needs pills and rest
Since everyday I love you less and less

And less and less,
I know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
I've got to know what's not and what is real
Oh yes I'm stressed, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS

Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Everyday I love you less and less
I can't believe once you and me did sex
It makes me sick to think of you undressed
Since everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
You're turning into something I detest
And everybody says that your a mess
Since everyday I love you less and less

And less, and less
I know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
I've got to know what's not and what is real
Oh yes I'm stressed, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, that's enough love for me
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, that's enough love for me

Enjoy the song !! 

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Terima kasih atas jejak anda. Sila datang lagi dengan buah tangan ye. ^_^

