Happy birthday first love !

11:44 AM

yeay! today is your birthday Day! may Allah grant you with the happiness, good health, wealthy and so on....

you are the amazing dad for us! thank you for being there for me since I was small.. thank you sebab selalu jadi guider, jadi bank bergerak, jadi radio bergerak, jadi "tembok penghalang" bila ibu marah dulu2...

it was great to have you as my dad.. thank you Allah for chosen me as Mr Kamaruzaman bin Hassan's daughter..

I will love you now after.. we love you so much!

stay healthy, stay handsome, stay with me forever.. hik2...

Love you abah!

muahhhh... ! 

your cute daughter

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  1. Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki to your superman..

  2. Happy birthday to tuan blog's superman :)

  3. Selamat ulang tahun.kelahiran abah firah..
    Smoga pnjg umo dan dimurahkn rezeki selalu...

  4. selamat hari lahir buat ayah firah..
    diharap anak2nya dah tak nakal buat pening kepala ayah yer..
    hihi.. ^_^


Terima kasih atas jejak anda. Sila datang lagi dengan buah tangan ye. ^_^

