Poka-yoke... What the....???

7:37 AM

Poka yoke ~

Selalu dengaq bos cakap, tapi tak tahu apa maksudnya.. semalam sambil Google benda lain, terjumpa benda lain...

Jom bace sikit.. Ni hasil carian Google ye anak2..

"A poka-yoke device is one that prevents incorrect parts from being made or assembled, or easily identifies a flaw or error.

Or “mistake-proofing,” – a means of providing a visual or other signal to indicate a characteristic state. Often referred to as “error-proofing,” poka-yoke is actually the first step in truly error-proofing a system. Error-proofing is a manufacturing technique of preventing errors by designing the manufacturing process, equipment, and tools so that an operation literally cannot be performed incorrectly."

Error yang biasa terjadi terbahagi kepada 4..

a) Errors commission
b) Errors omission
c)  Sequence Errors
d) Timing errors

Errors commission lebih kepada pemasangan yang salah.. salah orientation.. ada banyak cara untuk mengatasinya.. tapi kata kunci nya disini ialah, parts standardization.. basically ia adalah solution kepada design supaya mistake-proof.. kalau dari segi tools yang kita guna tiada masalah, kita tak akan berdepan dengan masalah jugak... ini konsep poka-yoke keh! bukan ai punya konsep...

Ni ada sedikit sejarahnya... rajin2kan lah membaca ye... heee

"Poka-yoke (poh-kah yoh-keh) was coined in Japan during the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo who was one of the industrial engineers at Toyota. Shigeo Shingo is also credited with creating and formalizing Zero Quality Control (poka-yoke techniques to correct possible defects + source inspection to prevent defects equals zero quality control)."

Selamat ber "poka-yoke" .....

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  1. istilah Jepun rupanya...ni first time dengar.salam kenal, follower no 67

  2. Tulis entri blog kena poka yoke jugalah ye...

  3. Salbiah.. Hi! hello.. thank you sudi singgah..

    Cik Balqis & Doc Shikin... ini adalah methos untuk prevent dari probelm berlaku.. poka yoke menyarankan agar tools yang digunakan adalah 100% mistkae proof supaya tiada mistake berlaku... heee

    Kak Farrah.. hahaha.. macam mna tu ea..?

  4. Mistake proofing. Kalo belajar lean manufacturing dlm TPS ada Poka Yoke ni. Lama dah tinggalkan terms ni semua:)

    1. Haah..dlm lean m anufacturing ada subjek ni.. akak blja jgak ea.. heee

  5. Hahahah blur2 je ayu bace entry and komen firah... ooohhh otak tak berfungsi skg ni

    1. Hee... okeh! Bila dah ready nti firah buat kelas lgik.. hahaha

  6. poka yoke? seiso, seisi, shiketsu tu sis tahu lah

    1. Poka yoke tu adik beradik 5 S lah.. cuma tak sama emak je.. heee

  7. SG .:. nak kite tlg garu pun boleh.. hehe


Terima kasih atas jejak anda. Sila datang lagi dengan buah tangan ye. ^_^

